The IVECO BUS Crossway range has reached the remarkable milestone of 60.000 units produced, highlighting its global success and versatility in energies and sizes.
Renault together with Pro Car and Red House converted a Master into a fully functional mobile recording studio, challenging the limits of customisation.
IVECO BUS has signed a contract to supply 106 IVECO Crossway and Evadys buses to the Autonomous Region of Madeira.
From July 12, 2023, EvoBus GmbH will become Daimler Buses GmbH, covering all of Europe and all national companies. The Authorized Workshops also change to Daimler Buses Service Center.
IRU formalized agreement to increase use of intelligent transport systems (ITS) on European roads. By 2025, each member state must establish a National Access Point (NAP) for relevant data, according to standards set by the European Commission.