Renault Trucks has introduced significant improvements to vehicle cabs, providing comfort, safety and advanced driver assistance technology.
Mercedes-Benz will launch worldwide the new series version of the eActros LongHaul, an electric truck for long-haul trips, with a new design and a new name, the eActros 600.
IRU formalized agreement to increase use of intelligent transport systems (ITS) on European roads. By 2025, each member state must establish a National Access Point (NAP) for relevant data, according to standards set by the European Commission.
Scania is introducing a major upgrade to Cruise Control with Active Prediction (CCAP) in Scania Opticruise, achieving additional fuel savings of up to 2% on rough roads.
Scania and ABB E-mobility have successfully tested a pilot megawatt charging system for heavy-duty vehicles, halving the charging time, moving towards a zero-emission transport future.