Continental provides essential information on the EU Taxonomy for transport fleets aiming to reduce their carbon footprint and gain a competitive edge.
The new Scania Smart Dash digital dashboard provides intelligent and safe driving. With touchscreens, intelligent alerts and advanced safety functions, it offers total control and connection.
Krone Trailer and TIP Group collaborate on the instant transfer of telematics data, promoting standardisation and interoperability for the efficient digitalisation of fleets.
A Krone lançou o pneu para semi-reboques “Krone Trusted Tyre Comfort” (KT 231) com capacidade de carga de 5 toneladas e baixa resistência ao rolamento, oferecendo economia de combustível e segurança.
The European Commission has put forward new proposals to reduce emissions in transport and logistics, aiming for a 90% reduction in CO2 emissions by 2050. They include measures such as incentives for zero-emission vehicles and adjustments to heavy-duty vehicles.