Solaris Bus & Coach has launched an educational programme for pupils in grades 1 to 3 of primary schools in the Polish city of Poznań and its vicinity. Its aim is to enhance environmental awareness among young children and to encourage them to use public transport. CityMission (MiastoMisja) by Solaris will be one of the company’s main educational projects in the area of corporate social responsibility in the years to come. This year’s edition is due to end in September 2022.
Project City Mission by Solaris — Source: Solaris
CityMission by Solaris reflects the company’s efforts to enhance children’s knowledge in two key areas: using public transport as well as enhancing their awareness of both climate protection and the future of modern towns and cities. The pilot project has been devised for pupils in grades 1 to 3 of primary schools (7-9 years) from Poznań and its vicinity. The project encompasses a number of issues related to the daily activities of the company: children will ponder over buses of the future and what they may look like, they will learn a lot about electric buses, and they will be encouraged to use public transport.
«Sustainable, eco-friendly towns and cities are Solaris’s goal. This vision has been guiding the direction of our activities for a long time already. Today, we want youngsters to be inspired by it too. Through the CityMission programme we want to demonstrate to our children that modern public transport opens up a myriad of possibilities. Our aim is to encourage young Poles to use public transport as it is the most environmentally friendly transportation option. We want to get pupils interested in the latest climate-friendly technologies and, above all, to show them that the future of towns and cities depends on them too», said Patryk Kawa, member of the Management Board of Solaris, in charge of Human Resources.
Solaris Urbino 12 Electric — Source: Solaris
CityMission is a project that consists of three key elements: a contest for pupils, educational workshops in schools, and a location-based game that children can take part in together with their families. The contest includes some attractive prizes for schools: a smog-eating mural and a vertical garden with air-purifying properties.
Solaris Bus & Coach is Europe’s largest manufacturer of zero-emission buses. Our electric vehicles, which do not release any exhaust emissions, serve residents of numerous European towns and cities on a daily basis and are changing the image of public transport for the better, thus actively contributing to the protection of the natural environment.
Source: Solaris