The development of global economic performance is currently characterized by various bottlenecks that existed even before the sanctions imposed in connection with the Russia-Ukraine-conflict. A key factor is the acute shortage of drivers, which has been having an increasingly massive impact on existing transport capacities in the DACH region for several years now. Another factor is the sharp rise in the cost of fuels such as diesel.
A study team led by Wolfgang Stölze of Logistics Advisory Experts, Thorsten Schmidt of the Technical University of Dresden and Christian Kille of the Institute of Applied Logistics at Würzburg-Schweinfurt University of Applied Sciences is now investigating how these bottlenecks affect the various players in the logistics industry and how they can be solved. As a consortium partner, Krone is also actively involved in this groundbreaking project, contributing its expertise to the various aspects of the study.
Krone warehouse — Source: KroneThe consortium study “Meeting capacity bottlenecks in logistics: situation – solutions – potentials – packages of measures – roadmaps”, launched on February 17, 2022, aims to research the driver shortage and its impact on transport companies and their customers. As possible measures, digital tools, cross-industry-transfer-insights and new forms of collaboration will be examined in order to derive possible recommendations for action, especially for transport companies. In total, the study consortium consits of 16 companies, four federal associations and the internet platform Jobmatch.
Publication of the results is planned for the end of 2022. Partial findings will be published continuously and made available here.
Source: Krone